in 2024, there is one question to ask:

"Who am I and how can I be more of that?"

Answer this question, and you'll make your life easier

What trait do you say will make a difference for you in 2024?

Is it confidence, courage, determination, kindness, focus, consistency, or something else?

Whatever it is, here is how you can increase that trait.

  • Clarify your core values using a new system.

  • Choose an important goal.

  • Take actions that align with your core values and the goal.

Because your core values represent you at your best, the more you use your values, the more your natural skills and abilities come to the surface. As that happens, you increase the desired trait in your life and business.

I discovered this by asking myself, “How can I use courage, connection, and curiosity (my core values) in my day?” This helped me reenergize myself after burning out.

Then I built confidence by asking, “How can I create a business that reflects and supports my core values?” From that, I developed a new approach to coaching that requires minimal effort (about 10 minutes to set up) and then uses daily reminders to help people take actions aligned with their core values and goals.

Then, I increased my caring and concern for others by asking, “How can I use courage, connection, and curiosity to create an irresistible offer?” I thought of others and asked, "What trait do you think would help you succeed?"

So, what trait do you think will help you most in 2024?

Because we can help you increase that in your life and business.

When you sign up, you get:

  • A 1-on-1 call to clarify your core values, an important goal, and the trait you want to improve.

  • Custom daily emails to remind you of your core values and goals.

  • An app, online community, video training library, and Zoom calls for extra support.

The process works because it helps you find what works for you and is applicable whether you are doing extremely well or are completely burnt.

  • Each day, you remind yourself of your core values and then apply your core values to your goal.

  • You take action and develop systems that serve your needs.

  • If you stumble or miss a few days, no problem. You start over the next day.

Sometimes you take small steps, and sometimes you take big steps. Sometimes, you’ll address your needs, and sometimes, your clients' needs.

Either way, you’ll be grounded in your core values, focused on your goals, and using your natural skills and abilities.

But what if you don't know what to do? No problem - you do what you know to do. You take the step you see you take. In my experience, the vast majority of the time, you know what to do, or at the very least, you know the next step.

After you take that step, you'll learn something new about yourself and your goal. And this is important, even crucial, in these uncertain times. Rather than someone telling you a system that works for them, you take action and develop systems that work for you.

All you have to do is wake up, read the email, and take some action. And if you don’t take action one day, no problem. The email will arrive the next day, and you can start over.

That is your journey, and the Volcano Club will be there for you.

It’s called the Volcano Club because I’ve found the cumulative impact of your efforts will create an eruption in your life.

You have access to Volcano Club for three months so that you are guaranteed to increase the trait you want. Chances are that trait is currently at a 3 or 4 out of 10, and we'll get it to an 8 or 9. Once that happens, you can stop or choose another trait to increase.

Most of the coaching occurs in the custom email by reminding you of your core values and suggesting how to use them to achieve your goal. There are weekly calls and an online community if you need extra support.

And who is in the community? Entrepreneurs and leaders who want to improve their abilities and achieve goals. Everyone is on their journey, and we support each other in making the most of our core values.

I can’t tell you how it will look or exactly how it will happen, but when you use your core values to achieve a goal, you will elevate the desired trait in your life and make good things happen.

So, what trait would help you in 2024?


P.S. If you think, "Well, that sounds good, but it won't work for me because of (time, money, focus, I've already done this, etc.)," I have training to address those doubts and worries. When those limiting beliefs are running the show, that is a place where your core values are missing or could be elevated.

My Hypothesis:

Any trait you believe will help you improve your life in 2034 can be enhanced by clarifying your core values and regularly applying them to an important goal.

First, a list of possible traits. I gathered these by asking people, "Increasing which trait would help you in 2024?" These are the categories in no particular order:

  • Grit, determination, perseverance, and tenacity

  • Passion and purpose

  • Confidence, courage, and action

  • Self-care and boundaries

  • Pleasure and play

  • Trust, empathy, and awareness

  • Creativity and innovation

  • Vision and message

  • Focus and consistency

  • Generosity and gratitude

  • Systems, support, and structure

  • Caring and service

  • Celebration and forgiveness

  • Daring and boldness

  • Authenticity and vulnerability

  • Growth and learning

  • Connection, teamwork, and partnership

  • Practice, progress, and accepting imperfections

  • Positivity and hope

  • Value and self-worth

  • Motivation and energy

Which of these traits would help you the most in 2024?

The goal is to move that trait from a 3-4 on a scale of 1-10 to an 8 or 9. We assume that trait is already present in your life to some degree, and we aren't looking for perfection because that rarely happens.

Here is how you can improve any of these in your life using your core values:

  • Clarify your core values and get them to three words.

  • Choose a trait you would like to improve and a goal with a due date in the next two months.

  • Each morning, think of your core values and how you could apply them to your goal. Create a list of possible actions and do at least one action.

  • Evaluate the results and your trait level and celebrate your efforts.

  • Repeat the next day until you have achieved the goal.

You will generate four results:

  • A stronger understanding of your core values.

  • The goal that you wanted to achieve.

  • The trait you desired.

  • A system for developing additional traits.

This process works because:

  • Your core values represent who you are at your best, are foundational to how you operate, and are closer to the surface than you realize.

  • Taking actions aligned with your core values and a goal moves you forward and naturally develops your desired trait.

  • Because your core values are foundational, you can use them to drive action no matter the situation or your energy levels.

  • If at any point you get stuck or frustrated, you can explore which of your core values is missing and use that information to jump-start your efforts.

To make this happen, a few tools are helpful:

  • A process to clarify your core values and get them to three words.

  • A reminder system to explore using your core value each day as it's easy to forget about them, especially at the beginning.

  • A place to share wins and get support because any step aligned with our core values and goals is worthy of celebration, even if they seem inconsequential to us. Plus, our core values are always bigger than us so support is needed at times.

With these in place, the process is straightforward. You clarify your core values and make use of them every day in big and small ways. As you do that, you move towards your important goal and develop your desired trait.

Which trait would make a difference for you in 2024?

Because we can make it happen.

At this point, this is hypothetical as I only have my evidence from my own life which is naturally biased.

I'm looking for people who have a goal and want to improve a trait in their lives in 2024. Beyond that, the only requirement is a willingness to read a custom daily email with prompts for applying your core values to your goal.

Those prompts will help you tap into your best self, take action, and naturally develop your desired trait.

My goal is to prove this hypothesis and address any flaws so I am starting off with a live call and making myself as available as I can. I'll have a group S & C (Support and Celebration) Zoom Call on Thursdays at 3 pm PST, and I'll be answering questions in the online community. And if you need extra help, I'll answer emails or get on a call with you.

My core values are courage, connection, and curiosity. My goal with this program is to help people connect with their core values, get curious about ways to use them, and have the courage (and support) to take action.

If that makes sense to you and you have a trait to improve that will help you achieve an important goal, please schedule a call.

Everything we do (business, relationships, well-being, etc.) comes back to our core values and who we are.

However, the predominant approach to core values is too complicated and heady to use regularly. We discuss core values in workshops and seminars but can't remember them a few days later.

That is a shame because those values should be used in everyday decisions and actions if they are core to us.

Fortunately (although I didn't think it then), I burnt out in January of 2022. As part of my recovery, and because I didn't have the energy to be anything else but myself, I started asking, "Who am I, and how can I be more of that?" I had five core values at the time, which I thought was a good number. But I heard a story about how the Navy SEALs put things in sets of three because remembering more than three things is difficult in a war zone.

Since I was burnt and exhausted, anything easier sounded good to me. I looked at my core values list, let go of two words, and settled on courage, connection, and curiosity. I didn't know it then, but that changed my life.

The SEALs were right. Three was easier to remember and use. From that day, I started waking up and asking, "How can I use courage, connection, and curiosity today?" I took many baby steps, leading to bigger steps, and I eventually recovered.

I started asking, "How can I use courage, connection, and curiosity" in different situations to achieve goals? Regularly tapping into my core values helped me stay grounded, find solutions, and stay energized.

Over the past two years, I've mapped out the steps to using this process because it's not just about having three core values (although that helps). You also need a system for using them, which can't require a lot of energy; otherwise, people won't use their core values when they get stuck or burned out. I call this process The Core Values Flywheel, and there are five repeating steps.

The Core Values Flywheel

  • Set a goal of any size.

  • Remind yourself of your core values.

  • Explore how to use your core values to achieve your goal.

  • Choose one action to do.

  • Celebrate your efforts and repeat the process until you achieve your goal.

Because the process is based on your core values, every time you use it, you naturally increase your confidence, motivation, and well-being.

A few initial responses:

"I cannot tell you how much our session during the podcast has changed my viewpoint on myself and what I'm bringing to the world. Core values just make so much sense to bring to my business with clients, etc." KT - Podcast host and Feng Shui Consultant"

I see my core values like tools that I can use whenever I need them, and they just help take action. I love the simplicity." PD - Online presence consultant for the solar industry"

I feel so grounded in my body. I had all these ideas running through me, and now I am clear and focused." KS - Host of mastermind for Creating Relational Intelligence in AI

I offer these ways to ask and answer, "Who am I, and how can I be more of that?"

Client Reviews

I love [Joey's] work because it's so simple and effective. I don't have to think a lot for it to work and that is very helpful given all that I have going on every day.


Shannon Adkins

Managing Director


In a matter of 30 mins, Joey helped me figure out a core value that I couldn’t identify. It was impacting my ability to deliver a mastermind to my new clients. This uplevel is huge and will impact my $$$ and health. Invest in yourself and hire Joey.


Katrina Starr

Momentum Catalyst, LLC.

I was already established professionally in my dream job, but had a need for structure and anchors from which to build my new career. With Joey, I was challenged and able to find a purpose that helped me achieve a better outlook on life, more energy and an overall motivation.


Anna Maria Aune-Moore

Senior Project Assistant

Resettlement and Family Reunification

at IOM - UN Migration

Clarify Core Values

  • Clarify three meaningful core values in minutes.

  • More effective than the standard approach of picking words from a list.

  • Learn how using your core values increases your confidence, motivation, and well-being.

Achieve Goals

  • Learn to achieve goals with the Core Values Flywheel.

  • Overcome limiting beliefs using your core values.

  • Reduce burnout and exhaustion by being more of yourself.

  • Increase your confidence, motivation, and clarity.

  • For those curious about clarifying and living true to their core values.

  • Instant PDF Download

"Who am I, and what do I have to offer?" Workbook

  • Designed for coaches and consultants to create custom programs based on their core values.

  • Create your custom Core Process to help yourself and your clients move forward and achieve goals.

  • Learn to use your Core Process to develop copy, share your message, and create your workbook to guide clients.

  • Discover how to increase your confidence by overcoming challenges using your process.

  • Instant PDF Download includes "Who am I and how can I be more of that?" Workbook to clarify and use your core values.

Push the Limits

  • Eight weeks of custom 1-on-1 coaching to shake up your life and achieve goals.

  • Custom plans for you based on your core values and your goals.

  • I coach you from your core values and how you operate, which creates the most actionable suggestions and deepens your understanding of yourself.

  • For those who know have something to offer the world and want custom support to build their clarity, motivation, and confidence.


I am an author and coach who assists entrepreneurs and founders in making the most of their core selves.

I started my core-based work in 2015 after producing several hundred tribute videos. Through these videos, I listened to thousands of individuals express their affection for loved ones. These experiences confirmed my belief that we all possess innate qualities at our core, and the more we tap into them, the better off we are.

I live in Reno, Nevada and am an avid skier and photographer.

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Clarity Call

Make your life easier and your service more attractive.

  • Clarify Core Values

  • Identify Important Goals

  • Explore Using Core Values to Achieve Goals.

  • Take Action

  • Celebrate

After this one call, you'll have more clarity about yourself, your service, and how to grow your business.

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Everything you need to operationalize and maximize your core values so you can achieve goals faster.

  • CLARITY - A proven process to clarify your core values and goals.

  • EXPLORATION - Custom daily emails with new ways to use your core values to achieve your most pressing goal.

  • ACTION - A training library for using your core values to overcome procrastination and limiting beliefs and increase your creativity and energy.

  • SUPPORT - MONTHLY Q&A sessions to answer your questions and provide support and an online community.

  • FREE 7-day trial

Ideal for anyone who wants more direction, focus, and confidence in their life.

If you are feeling lost or stuck, this is for you.

The ERUPTION Program

Everything you need to operationalize and maximize your core values so you can serve your clients, your team, and your self more effectively.

  • Everything from the Foundation program plus:

  • CLARITY - A proven system for connecting your core values with how you operate and make things happen.

  • EXPLORATION - Ways to use your core values to serve your clients and employees more effectively.

  • ACTION - A training library for creating your custom framework, foundational documents (vision, mission, client, etc.).

  • SUPPORT - WEEKLY calls for support and an online community.

  • FREE 7-day Trial

Ideal for coaches, consultants, and business owners who want a system that serves themselves and their clients.

The Volcano Club

After only about 10 minutes of setup, get

daily custom reminders and suggestions on using your core values to achieve goals faster and with less stress.

And it's free with no credit card required for seven days.

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